Frequently Asked Questions
Treatment will focus on assisting you with nutrition knowledge, skills and tools for exploring your needs, behavioral strategies and support in order to reach a desired health goal. There is no definite length of treatment for individual sessions. Session numbers and frequency will be based on individual goals, needs and desire to engage in nutrition therapy.
Allison Nutrition Consulting adopts a Health at Every Size (HAES) and intuitive eating approach, emphasizing that health is not defined by weight or size. We promote overall well-being and self-acceptance while helping clients cultivate a positive relationship with food. By encouraging mindful listening to hunger and fullness cues, we help individuals move away from restrictive diets and develop healthy behaviors. Our individualized and group consultations respect each client's unique body and experiences, aiming to foster balance, joy, and satisfaction in eating, free from societal weight pressures.
To ensure a smooth experience for all clients and providers, we have a 48-hour cancellation window.
If an appointment is cancelled after 48 hours, a flat fee of $100 will be charged. For no-call, no-show incidents, the full price of the consultation will be assessed.
Please note that we are unable to bill insurance for missed appointments. Thank you for your understanding.
*Exceptions are made for officially advised driving restrictions and for officially advised emergency school closures.
Our one-time onboarding fee is designed to streamline your intake experience with us, allowing our team to dedicate the necessary administrative, billing, and insurance coordination. This fee covers the comprehensive intake process.
Your confidentiality is maintained regarding all information except in emergency situations that involve serious harm to you or others, as in the case of suicide, child abuse or grave disability. Should we seek consultation from colleagues to improve my ability to help you, your name will be withheld. In all other situations, we will only release information regarding your treatment if we have your written permission.
Your privacy is important to us and reasonable measures are taken to assure that communication by email and phone is secure. We will never share or sell your information and never send you promotional emails or texts. Please see our Contact Us page to opt in or opt out of text messages.
For more information please see our Privacy Policy page.